Online UUID Generator tool

🚀 Need to generate UUIDs fast, hassle-free, and ad-free? Look no further! Introducing .Maui UUID Generator, where speed meets simplicity for all your UUID needs. ✨ Speed: Say goodbye to waiting! With lightning-fast generation, get…

🎉 Exciting Announcement!

🚀 We’ve given a fresh new look to our base64 encoding and decoding service! We’re thrilled to unveil the revamped interface of our tool, designed to provide you with an even better and more intuitive…

What’s new this week.

We have included in our free, public CDN five libraries that you asked for: chosen 1.8.7 tarekraafat-autocomplete.js 10.2.7 hover.css 2.3.1 js-sha256 0.9.0 jquery-creditcardvalidator 1.2.0 Report other libraries for us to add or add your own…

Find Most executed queries in SQL Server

SELECT TOP 100 QueryState.execution_count, OBJECT_NAME(objectid), query_text = SUBSTRING( qt.text, QueryState.statement_start_offset / 2, ( CASE WHEN QueryState.statement_end_offset = -1 THEN len(convert(nvarchar(max), qt.text)) * 2 ELSE QueryState.statement_end_offset END – QueryState.statement_start_offset ) / 2 ), qt.dbid, dbname =…

Format dates in PHP

Formatting dates in PHP is an essential task for any web developer. It is important to display dates in a format that is easy to read and understand for users. In this article, we will…

jQuery to pure Javascript examples – 6

Check if HTML element exists // jQuery if($(“#myElm”).length > 0) { console.log(“Element exists”); } // Pure javascript var my_elm = document.getElementById(“myElm”); if(typeof(my_elm) != ‘undefined’ && my_elm != null){ console.log(“Element exists”); }