MD5 Hash Generator released

Online Tool to easily convert any string in MD5, SHA1 and SHA-256 hashes. Is 100% cllient side, all calculations are performed directly in the browser, try it now: MD5 Hash generator.

Case converter tool released

Online Tool to easily convert text between different cases. lowercase, UPPERCASE, Capitalized Case and many more. Probably the only one without advertising on the web, try it now: Online Case Converter.

QR Code made easy

Easily generate QR Code from text or URL with new online tool available on, fast and without annoying advertising. You can save the QR Code as an image or get a link to use…

Reminder: Why .Maui?

It’s Ads free – You will never see annoying advertisements on It’s safe – We only use the HTTPS protocol and we do not ask for your personal information. It’s fast – We have…

Help Support .Maui

Currently the .Maui project is developed in our spare time, but we want to make this Project Professional, fast and reliable. Thanks to your donations we can repay server costs and offer support on our…

VultureCSS Alpha 1 released.

VultureCSS Alpha 1 released. Bug fixes and speed improved. Try removing unused CSS from your website with VultureCSS. Once finished let us know your opinion. It’s free.