Postgresql enable remote access

To enable remote access to a postgresql database from a computer or server, in Ubuntu server, first we need to know the ip of the computer in question, for example Then, from the terminal,…

How to know your IP address

To know your ip address just use one of the many services available online. This service is also available on, free and without annoying advertising, at the address: For those who want to…

List of useful JS and CSS resources with free CDN

Here is a list of useful JS and CSS resources with CDN that you can include in your sites. Obviously free and with HTTPS protocol. jQuery jQuery UI jQuery Mobile…

Remove script tags from string with PHP

Remove script tags (or other types of tags) from a string in PHP is really easy, here’s how: <?php $html = <<<HTML <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" /> <script> alert('1') </script> <script…

Add PHP code into .html files

To process files with a .htm or .html file extension as PHP files you must add the following line to the file.htaccess (if this file does not exist, create it on the site ROOT). AddType…

Small PHP class to write log files

Here is a small class in PHP to write log files. If the file name is not specified, it will be assigned by the script. <?php class Log { private $PATH; function __construct($file_name = null)…

VB.Net Linq – Group By

Small piece of programming code in How to Perform a Group By with LINQ. Dim Result = From p In Person Group p By MyGroup = New With { Key .Name = p.Name, Key…

Read the contents of an URL with Python

Python provides the urllib2 module that helps us in HTTP requests by defining functions and classes for redirecting, cookies, authentication and more. Here’s an example to take the content of a page and store it…