Connect to a Sql Server database with Go

In this example, let’s see how to connect to Sql Server, select and view the database version using Go programming language. package main import ( _ “” “database/sql” “context” “log” “fmt” ) // Replace with…

Go HTTP POST request

With today’s post we return to regularly post on our blog. The first series of posts will be dedicated to the Go programming language. It is a language we highly appreciate and we used it…

Rtrim and Ltrim specific chars in VB.Net

Dim char_array_end = "<br />".ToCharArray Dim char_array_start = "I ".ToCharArray Dim my_string = "I love pizza, beer, sambuca<br />" Dim my_string_trimmed = my_string.TrimEnd(char_array_end) Console.WriteLine(my_string_trimmed) ‘I love pizza, beer, sambuca’ my_string_trimmed = my_string.TrimStart(char_array_start) Console.WriteLine(my_string_trimmed) ‘love pizza,…

Javascript | How to check sessionStorage support

var IS_SESSION_STORAGE_SUPPORTED; try { if (window.sessionStorage) { IS_SESSION_STORAGE_SUPPORTED = true; } else { IS_SESSION_STORAGE_SUPPORTED = false; } } catch (e) { IS_SESSION_STORAGE_SUPPORTED = false; } if (console) console.log(IS_SESSION_STORAGE_SUPPORTED);