MySql Update with Inner Join

If you need to run an UPDATE in MySql on some rows in a table, but the reference of the condition to use is in another table, the best solution is to use an UPDATE…

Extract numbers from a string with php

Often, you only need to extract numbers from a string. PHP makes life easy with the filter_var function used with FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT. That’s how: <?php $string = ‘Sambuca has about 40 degrees’; $only_numbers = filter_var($string ,…

Only Secure Connections on

Wikipedia says: HTTPS is especially important over insecure networks (such as public Wi-Fi access points), as anyone on the same local network can packet-sniff and discover sensitive information not protected by HTTPS. That’s enough, for us security in the…

Minify CSS API with PHP

.Maui offers you free APIs to minimize CSS. You will then be able to create your own App without looking at a site every time to minimize CSS. It is necessary to register at…

Minify JavaScript API with PHP

Minimize javascript from an url with the .Maui APIs in PHP is quick, easy and free. You can choose between two compression levels: High, no readability, smallest size, or bass, higher readability. You can also…

Javascript remove all spaces from a string

JavaScript provides the replace function, however, unlike other programming languages, does not replace all occurrences of a substring within another string, but only replaces the first occurrence. So if we want to remove all spaces from…